What we believe
We believe in the one and only eternal and infinite God who is revealed as three distinct persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. God created the Heavens and the Earth and all things.
We believe that all have sinned and that the penalty for sin is death, eternal separation from God.
Jesus, fully God and fully man, descended from Heaven to lead a sinless life was crucified on a cross to die for all sin. Jesus Christ paid the ultimate price for our sins, conquered the grave with His resurrection, and made a way for us to be saved.
We trust that all who believe and turn from their sinful ways and surrender their lives to Jesus will be saved.
At salvation we receive the Holy Spirit, and lives within all of those who surrender and believe in Christ our Lord. Sin entered the world through Adam and Eve’s disobedience, but Jesus’ death and resurrection provide the way for us to be forgiven and saved.
We also believe that the Bible is the infallible, Holy Spirit inspired Word of God.
The Bible is the true, living Word of God in its entirety and has been given to us through the hands of man who wrote down what they received from God directly through the Holy Spirit. The Bible is timeless and does not change with the world, but calls us to change the world with it. It is our guidance in all things and is given to us to point us towards the Father, to repent (turn away) from our ways and own understanding, and surrender to His ways.
We believe that all have sinned and that the penalty for sin is death, eternal separation from God.
Jesus, fully God and fully man, descended from Heaven to lead a sinless life was crucified on a cross to die for all sin. Jesus Christ paid the ultimate price for our sins, conquered the grave with His resurrection, and made a way for us to be saved.
We trust that all who believe and turn from their sinful ways and surrender their lives to Jesus will be saved.
At salvation we receive the Holy Spirit, and lives within all of those who surrender and believe in Christ our Lord. Sin entered the world through Adam and Eve’s disobedience, but Jesus’ death and resurrection provide the way for us to be forgiven and saved.
We also believe that the Bible is the infallible, Holy Spirit inspired Word of God.
The Bible is the true, living Word of God in its entirety and has been given to us through the hands of man who wrote down what they received from God directly through the Holy Spirit. The Bible is timeless and does not change with the world, but calls us to change the world with it. It is our guidance in all things and is given to us to point us towards the Father, to repent (turn away) from our ways and own understanding, and surrender to His ways.